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Welcome to the most complete range of:

- Spray nozzles
- Spray systems
- Injectors and
- Tank cleaning nozzles in the industry

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Serious Spray, Superior results

- Spray Nozzles and
- Spray Systems for all your applications.

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Monitor Engineering, sole agents in Southern Africa for Spraying Systems Co, since 1949, offer the industry-leading range of spray nozzles, tank cleaning nozzles, automated spray systems, headers and injectors, modelling and testing services to ensure optimum results in your spray operations.

Since spray technology is our sole focus, we have a level of expertise that can’t be matched. Our sales engineers are factory trained and only sell our spray products.

Call us today for your no-charge spray audit.

Products Overview

Case Studies

Automated Spray System Helps Snack Maker

Equipment Manufacturer Improves Product Quality

New System Increases Number of Trucks Cleaned

Auto Lube System Saves Aluminum Manufacturer

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